How Taking Breaks Helps Us Be More Productive

fatigue - stop for a break

Everyone has that one coworker who seems to be taking a break every few minutes. Although it may get on your nerves, your coworker may be on to something. As strange as it sounds, taking breaks can actually help you be more productive.


Taking A Break Every Hour Refreshes the Brain

In one study performed by Science Daily, researchers discovered that the brain needs a mental break from work at least once an hour to operate at its top productivity levels.

When you work on a project for a long period, your brain eventually feels numb towards the task, leading it to think that it is no longer important. This quirk causes your mind to wander and your productivity to lower. You can combat this brain numbness by taking a break at least every hour. This method means your brain will constantly be re-prioritizing the task.

Breaks Keep You Creative

You probably aren’t surprised to find out that breaks keep you creative. And this makes sense because when you are hyper-focused on a task, it can be difficult to let your mind wander and let the creative side take over.

This tunnel vision can cause you to run into problems you may not be able to conquer. Taking regular breaks and letting your creative side roam for a few minutes can help you develop creative solutions to troubling problems. These creative solutions can boost your overall productivity.

Looking Forward To Breaks Keeps You Motivated

When you think of an eight-hour workday, how does it make you feel? Probably a bit tired and worn out, and you haven’t even started yet! When you know that you will have regular breaks, this can be the push you need to stay positive. When you feel positive about your work, you will be more productive than when you feel negative and discouraged. Chances are, the quality of your work will also be higher when you are in a positive mood as well!

Although it may seem like taking frequent breaks would damage your productivity, they are actually quite effective in boosting it. Regular and effective breaks help keep your mind fresh and creative while also giving you a nice boost of motivation. These benefits all work together to increase your output, making you more productive when taking breaks than if you worked without them!




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