3 Secrets of Productivity


Do you have that one friend who always seems to accomplish the most difficult projects with ease? Do you wonder how they do it? It is because they are productive!

Below are three secrets that can help you become as productive as even your most accomplished friends.

  1. Take Breaks

It may not seem like taking breaks would help you be more productive, but it does! Your brain works most effectively when it has time to release stress and be creative. You can do this by taking frequent breaks from your work. Aim for at least once per hour, but even more is fine.

During your break, you should leave the work completely to take a bathroom, snack, or even physical activity break! Play around with how many breaks your brain needs, then stick to that routine as closely as possible.

  1. Work In Bursts

Besides just taking frequent breaks, you should set a timer for all of your work sessions. You should set this timer for a short burst, like 20 or 25 minutes. The specific time isn’t that important. Finding the length of work session that works best for you will take some experimenting. Breaking the work into small pieces helps to improve your motivation and make the task feel easier to conquer. You’ll also work more diligently with the threat of a timer.

Knowing you will be working in short bursts can also help tackle procrastination issues because knowing that you only have to work for 20 minutes keeps your mind in a much more positive place!

  1. Minimize Distractions

Working in short bursts can help easily distracted people to stay focused. It also helps if you minimize the distractions in your work area. Turn off notifications for your email, and resolve to check them at a certain time. Leave TVs, phones, and other personal electronic devices out of the work area. Don’t eat while working.

Use your breaks for this instead (you’ll enjoy your food more anyways!).

It also helps to have a dedicated workspace so when you go there, your mind knows it’s time to work!

It may seem very difficult to be productive at certain points in your life, but if you take frequent breaks, work in short bursts, and minimize distractions, you’ll find that increased productivity finds you naturally. Soon you too will be that friend who is always completing tasks while everyone wo

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